On 02/05/2010 11:26, Ian Wood wrote:

On 1 May 2010, at 23:44, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

I have yet to hear an open source advocate talk to the evolution of technology.

Depends on your definitions. One of the big new features for CS5 (content-aware fill) was already available as a plug=in for the GIMP.


Randall Lee Reetz has already declared his antipathy towards Open Source software so
many times that this was sure to be his response to my posting.

In an OPEN world (hey, look, Richmond is also using that over-used-and-abused word) there should be room for 100% Open Source stuff and 100% proprietary stuff and all possible stuff in between. I belong to a broad church that admits all levels and types of beliefs (well, at least as far as
software is concerned).

Open Source offerings have now reached a certain level of maturity that means they can compete with and complement Commercial software; I think if GIMP and Photoshop want to play leapfrog with each other that is an extremely healthy situation. Frankly, as a lot of Open Source developers seem to use false names it would not entirely surprise me if some of the people who work on Photoshop
don't work on GIMP in their spare time . . .  :)

We are all well aware that commercial companies are always 'stealing' ideas from each other; the fact that Open Source is involved in this and vice-versa should neither surprise or worry us.

What should worry us is when somebody comes along and blocks the chance for that healthy sort of competition to take place. There should always be space for all sorts of types of software and types of marketing; monopolies, whether state controlled or company controlled are what we have to
fear because that is when stagnation sets in.
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