hereīs what I did for writing a custom QT-controller.
Itīs a little math, though. ;-)

Make sure you have two controls, one for the Thumb, one for
the bar the
thumb moves on. (graphics in my case)

in the Thumb graphic (or image/btn) put the following

global flag
  on mouseDown
  set the uAllowDrag of me to true
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the uAllowdrag of me to false
end mouseUp

on mouserelease
  set the uAllowDrag of me to false
end mouserelease

on mousemove x,y
  if not the uallowDrag of me then exit mouseMove
    case x>the right of grc "bar"
      set the currentTime of player "audio" to the duration
of //
          player "audio"
      exit mousemove
    case x<the left of grc "bar"
      set the currentTime of player "audio" to 0
      exit mousemove
  end switch
  set the loc of me to x,item 2 of the loc of me
  set the currentTime of player 1 to round(the duration of
player //
      "audio"/the width of grc "bar"*(x-(item 1 of the loc
of grc "bar"- //
      the width of grc "bar"/2)))
-- mind linewrapping
end mousemove

If itīs too confusing, I can send you the stack off-list.

Hope that helps,

Yup, it is a bit confusing: however with any luck after my
Taekwondo class I shall sit down (at home) in front of my
revolting bastard G4 Mac (i.e. a beige G3 desktop with a G4
processor) with a couple of litres of muddy black coffee, a
packet of sweets and all sorts of other 'healthy'
ingestibles, turn on the Mozart Horn Concerto - and who
knows - by tomorrow I will have aged 20 years and I may
have cracked it (and if not, I will have cracked

Thank you very much for your help!

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