On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:32 AM, Chipp Walters <ch...@chipp.com> wrote:

>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0Jsa7su-jI&feature=youtube_gdata

Thanks Chipp for the link, and excellent video which I think nicely sums up
exactly what I've been trying to say, but my English seems incapable of

Whilst many may deify Michael Schumacher, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, Lee
Kwan Yew, Valentino Rossi, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, Mozart, Leonardo
da Vinci and even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs; there are also those who are
deeply critical of them - most likely due to some deep-seeded jealousy.

I on the other hand appreciate that they are just mere mortals, inescapably
capable of making mistakes, errors and wrong choices. Do those errors,
misjudgement or mistakes define a person and destine them to forever
failure. Will Tiger Woods never win another Masters because of his numerous
indescretions; I think not. I try to look at track record, and assess
overall long-term performance.

What that video confirmed to me, is no matter how much vitriol, hatred and
disgust the presenter heaped upon Steve Jobs, no matter how logical or
factual the arguments, no matter how enthusiastically the audience agreed
with everything he said; for reasons I can not explain and certainly do not
understand, in the dying seconds the presented admitted his lust for the
next Apple product.

All I can conclude is, if one with such a wholly justifiable aversion to
Steve's latest antics will still so obviously go on buying Apple products,
then how much more so the sheep-like general consumer.

I thought I'd effectively communicated that this isn't really about right or
wrong decisions by Steve Jobs, nor is it about whether you and all the other
critics are, most likely, correct about this single decision. This is simply
about what will the buying public do due to this decision. Maybe instead of
asking who do you think will make more money Steve + Apple - Flash or
[yourname here] + Apple + Flash, I should have asked, if you had $1M to
invest right now, and could only invest in Apple or Adobe, who would you

It's sad that Capitalism has been beaten and pummelled, and so

PS Apple just announced it has sold 1 million iPads in 28 days
PPS It took Apple almost 3 months to sell 1 million iPhones
PPS  Apple announces best non-holiday quarter ever, with revenues up 49
percent and profits up 90 percent
PPPS Adobe stock dropped 2% after Steve Jobs' Thoughts on Flash
PPPPS Adobe drop iPhone as corporate phone
PPPPPS Adobe stock takes further hit after Microsoft announce IE9 will not
support Flash [movies]
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