Le 2 mai 2010 à 23:39, Randall Reetz a écrit :

> Semantics opens the door to the building of systems that "understand" the 
> content they process.  That is the promised second revolution in computation 
> that really hasn't seen any practical light of day as of yet.  Data mining 
> really isn't semantically mindful, simply uses statistical reduction 
> mechanisms to guess at the existence of the location of pattern ( a good 
> first step but missing the grammatical hierarchy necessary to work towards a 
> self optimized and domain independent ability to detect and represent 
> salience in the stacked grammar that makes up any complex system.
> Such systems will need to work all of the time.  ALL OF THE TIME!  Only 
> pausing momentarily to pay attention to our interactions as needed.  Once 
> they are running, these systems will subsume all of the manual activity we 
> have been made to perform to this day.  Think "fly by wire" for processing.  
> Gone is the need to discreetly encode every single bit in exactly the only 
> possible sequence.  We simply wont be able to know what bits are being 
> processed, who or what made them, and more importantly, we won't have to care.

Clearly, the key way to 21st century's computing tasks. Thanks for this, 
Randall. Hope it will almost be read as an important contrib and gift... to 
common mind ;-)

Best Regards,
Pierre Sahores
mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70


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