On 04/05/2010 20:09, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:
What everyone here seems to forget is that flash finally took vector graphics 
powered by very tightly packed and efficiently executed byte code to a web that 
choked up by static bit maps.  It was long overdue.  Problem is that it never 
belonged at the plugin level.  Now steve is trying to right this architectural 
wrong, but from the same messed up closed system protectionist motivation that 
drove macromedia to make the same mistake.  Infrastructure is infrastructure.  
It serves no one  to build a private interstate highway system.  haven't we 
learned this yet?  I am all for antitrust laws but only when those writing and 
enforcing them understand them at a deeper level than simple market 
competition.  Obama is a smart guy.  He is appointing smart prosecutors and 
judges and giving them the right mandates.  Something of merit will come of 
this standoff and what motivates it.  But I do remember the ridiculous apple 
antitrust suit against microsoft.  Who built the windows mouse metaphor... 
xerox.  The truth has a way of bubbling up.

What bothers me is how willing the public is to forgive (even become apologists for) 
criminal or short sighted minds when those minds get rich being "better at being 
wrong than I am".

What color is the money you make?

Let's see: 2 lev notes are purple, 5 lev notes are red, 10 lev notes are yellow-brown, 20 lev notes are blue, 50 lev notes are also yellow-brown (but a different size from the 10s) and the 100 lev ones (of which I see
very few) are green.

More to the point; I don't know how those notes have come to me; how the parents of the children I teach have earned them, and so on: what I do know is that I do my job as best I can and that money pays for
the bread and cheese.

I don't vet the people who pay me to find out how honest they are; for starters it would be plain offensive, I'd lose all my pupils in double-quick time, and don't quite see the point.

Money has no smell; what does smell is how it is obtained; mine smells reasonably rosey.

I hope the same can be said for you.
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