Le 14 mai 10 à 17:40, zryip theSlug a écrit :

Hi Trevor and All,

I checked the doc:

header text color
The text color to apply to the header area of a table. Prefix property
name with "effective" to get the color being used when this property
is set to empty.

However when I try to get the "header text color" or the "effective
header text color" property, I obtain empty.

I checked in the DataGrid Library code, and not found any entry for
this property in the getProps handler.

I'm wrong?

Le 15 mai 10 à 01:05, zryip theSlug a écrit :

2010/5/14 zryip theSlug <zryip.thes...@gmail.com>:

It seems same for the "Text color" property.

Bonjour theSlug,

No help, just to confirm.

 My trials (using message box):

put the dgProp["header text color"] of grp "dataGrid" >> empty
put the dgProp["effective header text color"] of grp "dataGrid" >> empty

set the dgProp["header text color"] of grp "dataGrid" to "red" >> works: the headers text is in red

BUT, having the headers in red :
put the dgProp["header text color"] of grp "dataGrid" >> empty
put the dgProp["effective header text color"] of grp "dataGrid" >> empty

idem with "text color" property.

So seems that as the "header text color" and the "text color" properties are concerned:
 one can set  them
but not put (or get) them.

Le 14 mai 10 à 19:48, zryip theSlug a écrit :

Hi again,

It seems that there is no way to set the "(effective) dimmed hilite
color" property of a Data Grid.
I checked the setProp handler of the Data Grid library and found
nothing to set this property. Plus the getProp of this property seems
to return always the kDefaultDimmedHiliteColor constant.

I'm wrong?

put the dgProp["effective dimmed hilite color"] of grp "datagrid"
I get "212,212,212"

when I try :
set the dgProp["dimmed hilite color"] of grp "datagrid" (or with prefix "effective")
I get --invalid property 'effective dimmed hilite color'--
or --invalid property dimmed hilite color'

Best regards from Grenoble (sad grey weather for quite a too long time now!)


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