On 23/05/2010 15:10, Douglas wrote:
By default OpenOffice is set to not allow macro execution - perhaps someone in the staff specifically went round and enabled it?

You don't know these people! They keep downloading the Windows version of Skype onto Linux machines "because it is better than the Linux version" and then throwing tantrums because Windows programs don't work on Linux; "What is wrong with these computers?
everybody knows that computers cannot run without Windows".

Enabling Macros . . .

Having installed Linux on a 'new' machine I left it to do an apt-get update overnight;
telling the people not to touch the machine.

The next day I had to start installing from scratch, because, being unable to turn the machine off (despite post-it notes and so on saying "DON'T") they had yanked the power
cable out the back!!!!

This IS Bulgaria; or, as an American friend once put it; "I love Bulgaria, it allows me to experience the same sort of thrills my ancestors experienced in Texas in the middle of the 19th century." Have you seen that film "Wild Wild West"; a sort of steam-punk America through distorting glasses? The problem about "Wild Wild East" is that one is unable to
remove the distorting glasses.


I have the perfect plan for the virus problem these people are experiencing: take all their computers to the gypsy quarter where they will be scavenged for precious
metals . . .  :)
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