I can't contribute re RunRev, but I can re graphics apps, so here is a small
payback for help I've received. For struggling artists, check out Deneba's
Canvas (Mac or Windows versions available).  Very cheap (in US).


Canvas combines both vector and bitmap graphics, for web, pre-press (inc
CMYK/Pantone etc etc), and general graphics work, all in the one program,
seamlessly.  It does all of what PhotoShop, Illustrator etc do, plus some
things they can't do, and IMHO much more easily and quickly.
Imports/exports to a large number of other formats (inc. pdf format).  A
Canvas Lite is available if you find the full version too expensive.  I have
PhotoShop etc, but I gave up using them on a regular basis.  Canvas is sooo
much easier.


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