On 31/05/2010 22:14, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Howard Bornstein wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:36 AM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at hyperactivesw.com>wrote:

Try using the aliasReference function to get the real file name and set
your player to that instead.

Thank you thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for and solves my
problem nicely. Since I may have a mix of aliases and normal files, this
function makes it easy to tell if the file is an alias as well as providing
the valid reference to the actual file.

This was one of the multitude of Rev functions I didn't even know existed.

Another example of the value of the Rev Dictionary's See Also section. :)

Mmm, mmm, mmm, merr, merr, merr, so there!

Really? I found aliasReference by typing in 'alias' into the search box
in the top right-hand corner.


The problem is not with the dictionary, Ding An Sich; but knowing exactly what
term to type in the search box:

Let's consider the word 'alias' (quite apart from the fact that in the context of WIMP GUIs on computers it has been radically resemanticised from its prototypical meaning
in the non-computer world):

Macintosh: Alias (actually 'alias' with the meaning of a graphic object which opens a pathway to a directory elsewhere is a Mac-specific term that I remember learning when I cracked open my first Mac with OS 7 - a bit confusing, having only worked with BBC-MOS and UNIX before that).

Windows: Shortcut / reparse point (whacked-out or what?)

Linux:  symbolic link

[I see that UBUNTU 10.04 has "Make Link" in its menu system - that's not going to help what Steve Jobs calls "the switchers" that the South African Astronaut obviously
envisages converting from Windows to Ubuntu in droves.]

UNIX:  Symbolic Link / Soft Link / symlink

and they don't all behave in the same way . . .  :)


Now, let's suppose I am a Windows-only sort of chap (I'm not); so on Iooking up Shortcut (not knowing
the term 'alias' or 'symbolic link'; I will get:

short "Specifies a format for the date and time functions, the convert command, and the name, ID, and owner properties."

and  shortFilePath   neither of which equate to 'alias'.

Similarly with Linux; on looking up 'symbolic' the dictionary draws a complete blank.

This means that, while the IDE may be, moderately, cross-platform; the dictionary is not.


There are other things one can do with aliases, I see.

Sometimes in my spare time I just browse around in the Dictionary clicking See Also links, and almost always learn something new.

Nice to have spare time . . .  :)

Personally I prefer my Sanskrit dictionary; it has, among other things, the advantage that it can be propped up next to the chopping board in the kitchen when I'm getting supper organised; no
real problem with splashing ghee on the keyboard either!

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