Thanks Bernd,
That certainly helped me out, and also shows why I was getting grey rectangles instead of scroll bars.
I copied your example and made a test stack like yours.

Jeff M. -
Here's some stuff I figured out:-
If the window size is larger than the group and the hScrollbar or vScrollbar is true then the scroll bars turn into these grey rectangles. You can set the maximum width and height of the card to the original group size - that will leave the full scroll bars at max size. You can set the hScrollbar / vScrollbar to false if the window is over the group size and the scrollbars will vanish when the window is changed.
Or just don't allow the user to change the window size at all!

The scroll bars are included in the group, so the group size is original group size PLUS the scroll bar width (16 by default).
(Otherwise the scroll bars obscure the group fields etc at the edges.)

When you are changing width or height of card within a card script, you need to keep track of the scrollbars with a resizeStack routine as below. Bernd has introduced a little interest below by putting in the 30 pixel offset from the top of the card. I found that a little confusing when messing about in the IDE and changing window sizes etc.

I should be able to get on with it now, thanks again, Bernd


On 04/06/2010 11:22, BNig wrote:
I made a little test stack with four fields on the corners of the card.
These fields are grouped. Into the script of the card I put this handler:
on resizeStack
    set the width of group 1 to the width of  card 1
    set the height of group 1 to the height of  card 1 -30  -- adjust
    set the topleft of group 1 to 0,30 -- adjust
    if the width of card 1>  780 then -- adjust
       set the hScrollbar of group 1 to false
       set the hScrollbar of group 1 to true
    end if
    if the height of card 1>  520 then -- adjust
       set the vScrollbar of group 1 to false
       set the vScrollbar of group 1 to true
    end if
end resizeStack
Into the script of the stack I put this handler:
on openstack
    if the width of card 1>  400 then
       revChangeWindowSize 350,150
       revChangeWindowSize 800,550
    end if
    send resizeStack to card 1 in 2 milliseconds
end openstack
This worked for manually resizing the stack with just the handler in the
card,  and worked for setting the stack size in the openstack handler. I had
to add "send resizeStack to card 1 in 2 milliseconds" though.

If I understand your problem this should give you an idea. The group is not
locLocked. The fields stay in their original position, just the group size
is adjusted and w/o scrollbar.
(When manually changing the size of the stack I noticed that the field
locations changed a little when increasing width and height and went back to
the original location when making the stack window small, but this was only
with live resizing on, with live resizing off they did not do this.)
And thanks for "revChangeWindowSize", I did not know this one.


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