Not again, I can hear some people saying!

I've just run into this long standing issue in the context of needing to save the filepath to my database across runs of Revolution and also various other settings I need to save which are currently in custom properties.

I'm not concerned about saving my applications data across runs because I'm using an sqlite database for that. The stuff I need to preserve is more in the way of internal settings. I'd prefer to leave them in custom properties if I can because storing them elsewhere will entail a substantial amount of work to find all the places in my code where I set and get custom properties and replace the logic with something else.

I've searched the list archives and the discussion forums and also read Sarah Reicheldt's revJournal article and Mark Wieders Conference presentation and still somewhat confused by the solutions to this.

The most common solution seems to be to create a single stack .rev file that does nothing except invoke the real .rev file and use it as the basis for the build of the standalone app. But then I see mentions of that being a problem because of the lack of write access to the Applications folder (I'm primarily concerned with Macs) so I look at the permission on my Applications folder and I have full read and write access to it and the standalone Rev app so am I missing something?

Then there's the issue of how to implement that solution. I see that Sarah's article recommends using the "Move substacks into individual files" option which Mark also describes but then advises against because of message passing hierarchy problems. So should use that option or not? And if I do, how do I open the mainstack of my real .rev file? go stack URL or can I just go stack?

I'm also concerned about what seems to be a huge support issue. If I understand this method correctly, the .rev file containing the real application will be just that, a .rev file not a compiled application. If that's true what's to stop a user of my application who owns Revolution from changing my application code?

And then I ran across a post on the forum concerning a complication with this approach related to how to get the datagrid library included in the app. There's a fairly simple workaround for it but now I'm wondering what other issues of that nature there might be. How about the database library for example? And right now, I insert a couple of front scripts into my app - should that logic stay in the real application or be moved to the single stack application?

So pity this poor unsuspecting user that thought the IDE might perhaps warn him if he tried to do something that absolutely would not work in a standalone application, or perhaps expected that an attempt to save something that couldn't be saved would at least throw an error in a standalone application, and believed the user guide section on building standalones which states "All of Revolution's feature set is available in a standalone application", followed by a couple of exceptions which don't include the fact that you can't save data in them, and the section on global variables that notes that you can't save them across runs and recommends, amongst other things, saving them in a custom property if you need to do that.


Pete Haworth

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