dunb...@aol.com wrote:

If you try to navigate to a stack not explicitly listed in the "Search Paths" cards of the home stack (pertains to files as well) you get a dialog asking where it is. This is what I would have expected. But no such feedback, except for the result being set.

As mentioned, the stackfiles is a sort of substitute for what HC had. Rev will only recognize stacks by their short name if they are already in RAM. It does, however, allow you to refer to stacks by their filename, and if you do that they will open as you expect. I.e.:

  go stack "folder/folder/stackname.rev"

If you don't know the file path and are trying to open a stack that isn't already listed in the stackfiles, then what you experienced is just how it is. HC had a built-in fallback option which is trivial to implement yourself in Rev:

go stack "notInRAM"
if the result is not empty then
  answer file "Where is notInRAM?"
  if it is not empty then
   go stack it
  end if
end if

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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