Hi Jan,

Jan Schenkel wrote:

> To make this future-proof, you might want to use
> the byte chunk type for reading from the binary file:
> read from file pFile for 4096 bytes  -- was: chars


Great! :-D

Now the function will be:

function quasiMD5 pFile
-- posted by Mark Waddingham
   local tMD5s
   open file pFile for binary read
     read from file pFile for 4096 bytes
     if it is empty then
       exit repeat
     end if
     put the md5digest of it after tMD5s
   end repeat
   close file pFile
   return the md5Digest of tMD5s
end quasiMD5

Only question left is:

How could we make this function return
the same result than command line programs
for big files like Linux ISO distros?

Thanks in advance!

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