On 07/10/2010 11:49 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
David and Mark,

Yet, repeat for each rules. Whether using arrays is faster than using regular variables depends on whether your repeat loop is written smartly.

Quite; but that looks a bit like circular logic.

Everytime I have to write some sort of loop I get out the plastic cups and the beads and play with them on the floor (preferably with a cup of coffee and some music)
until I find what I would term the most "economical" way of doing things.

So; prior to writing anything "smartly" one has to work out the 'smartist' logic; if you are incredibly good at abstractions you can do that mentally; if not you
can do it with a pencil and paper, or with cups and beads - whatever works
for you. LEGO is also quite effective.

Then; having worked out one's model; one has to represent it in code.

If one's model has already been worked out (squares and arrows on paper,
cups and beads on the floor, circles and lines on a blackboard) visually it
is, generally, easier to track where things go wrong with one's code by
comparing it with one's physical model.
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