On 07/12/2010 06:52 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
Pierre Sahores wrote (re: copy/paste in Linux script editor):

It's not a Rev's script editor related problem ! To solve this, you
need to tune the KDE (or Gnome, etc...) desktop manager clipboard
(or, even quit it) to avoid keystoke problems that are locking your
script editor's environment.

Richmond, Peter, did either of you try this?

And there I was thinking RunRev just "worked straight out of the box";
obviously expecting too much.

The 'funny' thing is that on Linux:

1. RunRev has problems picking up fonts,

1.1 problems with Unicode fonts that make them effectively useless,

2. This copy-paste situation,

3. A few more 'situations' that have slipped my mind just now.

And precious few other, admittedly, Linux 'native, apps seem to have
the same sort of problem.

I think, tomorrow, when I have a spot of free time I am going to go
back and play around with Metacard 2.5 for Linux and see whether
those problems were there, or whether they have arisen
subsequently; if the latter then, for instance, it might be not a bad
thing to revert to the old script-editor.


Hilarious bit follows.

Yesterday, wanting to help Jacque with the folder listing problem
I popped together a 'quick-n-dirty' stack on my Linux box with the
script I quoted in my posting.

Being a bit lazy I had no great desire to type the script into my
e-mail client's "write" box; so to copy-paste it I had to:

1. Turn on my Mac,

2. Transfer the stack 'over the wire' to the Mac,

3. Open the stack with RunRev on the Mac,

4. Copy-paste the script into TextWrangler,

5. Save the TextWrangler doc on the Mac,

6. Transfer the document back to the Linux box,

7. Open the document with gEdit,

8. Copy-paste the text into my e-mail client.

The whole procedure took me about twice the time it took me
to write the script in the first place . . .  :)
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