I've found a semi-reliable solution to the OS X file list issue by using an AppleScript. There are some complicated shell tricks I could have done, but they require far more work than the AppleScript, so this is what I'm doing now:

function getFiles -- assume directory is set
  put shell("ls -AF") into tFiles
  filter tFiles without ".*" -- the "A" flag doesn't strip .DS_Store :(
  filter tFiles without "*.app/" -- remove apps
  filter tFiles without "Icon" & numToChar(13) -- user folder icons
  repeat for each line l in tFiles
    if last char of l <> slash then -- regular file
      put l into tFile -- to check for shell symbol markers
      if last char of tFile is in "*...@=%|"
      then delete last char of tFile
if there is a file tFile then -- in case removing markers changed the name
        put tFile & cr after tList
      end if
    else -- bundle or folder; remove user folders
      if isPackage(l) then
        put char 1 to -2 of l & cr after tList
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  return tList
end getFiles

function isPackage tPath
  put "tell application" &&quote& "System Events" &quote&& \
      "to get package folder of alias POSIX file" &&quote& \
      tPath &quote into tScript
  do tScript as "applescript"
  return the result
end isPackage

It still needs some refinement but it works most of the time. It does not catch old Rosetta apps that aren't bundles, so those get put into the list. It does not catch Icon files that aren't followed by a carriage return. It probably doesn't catch other stuff either, but it gets the main things.

I've opened a QCC enchancement request asking for a better way to get package-based files on OS X:

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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