On 07/16/2010 03:53 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
show stopper: Rev on linux does not respect work with current ubuntu theme,
it all displays wrong...

ARGH can't create a single button with the correct appearance.

I don't think this should be a major concern; if one considers that on
my main Linux box alone I can muck around with its theme with these:

Emerald Theme Manager


Simple CompizConfig


Art Manager

and there are any number of other bits and bobs I can install to
tweak what my GUI looks like.

How one would expect RunRev to keep up with those I just don't know.

Personally, as I like a unified 'theme' to each of my end-products regardless of which OS or flavour thereof an end-user is going to deploy it on I do my own artwork, making very sure that aspects of either RunRev or the end-user's OS windowing system
is not going to muck it up.

Rules in my book:

1. NEVER use a real button (because they are prone to change in alsorts of funny ways on different systems).

2. NEVER use a real button (because fonts on differing systems play merry-hell with what they look like).

3. Make your 'button' up as you like it on your homestack; snapshot it out as a PNG and then reimport it.
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