Running a detection script like this:

on mouseUp
   set the useUnicode to true
   put the word 4 of the selectedChunk into W4
   put (W4 - 1) into W5
      get charToNum(char W5 to W4 of fld "MyGuff")
      put it into UNIK
   put the word 2 of the selectedChunk into W2
   put (W2 - 1) into W!
      get charToNumber(char W2 to W1 of fld "MyGuff")
      put it into UNIQ
   put uniEncode("The insertion point is between '") into P1
   put uniEncode("' and '") into P2
   put uniEncode("'") into P3
set the unicodeText of fld "WhereAreWe" to P1 & numToChar(UNIK) & P2 & numToChar(UNIQ) & P3
end mouseUp

detects a SPACE when the insertion point is BEFORE the space, but

does NOT detect a SPACE when the insertion point is AFTER a space.


Where am I going wrong?
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