On 9/23/10 8:46 AM, David Bovill wrote:
It seems that revCopyFolder does not return a value for the new folder it
creates - this is important when the destination folder already exists -
because it still creates a folder but with a new folder name that at least
on the Mac adds an integer value to the end of the name "ie ./folder 2"

Is there an easy way to script cloning a folder within the same enclosing
folder but giving it a new name? I want this to work cross platform. Any
help with the following general purpose handler?

command rev_CopyAndRename originalFolder, newFolder
    -- work in progress
    set the itemdelimiter to "/"
    put newFolder into enclosingFolder
    delete item -1 of enclosingFolder
    revCopyFolder originalFolder, enclosingFolder
    -- put it / the result into copiedFolder
    rename folder copiedFolder to newFolder
end rev_CopyAndRename

I think I'd name the new folder something arbitrary, like "temp", and after the copy is done, use the "rename folder" command to set the permanent name of the folder.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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