Use the technique of sorting by a function call for each line to set a value.

on testSort
   put the clipboarddata into theListOfFriends
   sort theListOfFriends numeric ascending by sortByThisValue(each)

   ;put theListOfFriends
end testSort

function sortByThisValue singleLineOfList
     set the itemdel to "/"
get word 2 of item 1 of singleLineOfList & "/" & item 2 of singleLineOfList & "/" & "01"
   --English system -- remove the next line
get item 2 of singleLineOfList & "/" & word 2 of item 1 of singleLineOfList & "/" & "01"
     convert IT to seconds
      return IT
end sortByThisValue

This should do the task you want

On Oct 3, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Yves COPPE wrote:

Hi list

I have a list of lines
each line has a first name & tab & a date (French format : DD/MM/YYYY)

I want to sort the list on the DD/MM date without taking the YYYY into account

Here a sample :

Jean    13/01/2017
Luc     03/07/2017
Bern    02/09/2015
Michel  06/01/2018
Bert    01/06/2016
Jo      13/02/2016
Rob     26/03/2018
Nick    15/01/2015


Michel  06/01/2018
Jean    13/01/2017
Nick    15/01/2015
Jo      13/02/2016
Rob     26/03/2018
Bert    01/06/2016
Luc     03/07/2017
Bern    02/09/2015

Can someone help me to to that ?

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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