Ok... This one is deep, deep down in RR and I donıt blame anyone that they
havenıt found this problem, but it is annoying :-(

I have one main program which looks into a folder named ³modules² for files
to load into a list.
These modules are .rev files containing one group with a lot of controls,
scripts and properties attached to it.

One of the custom properties for a group, is a the pSize, containing a

The main program is 300 pixels wide, when a user clicks on one of the
modules in the list, the module gets opened, the group gets copied to the
main project, the size of the main project is set to the pSize property of
the copied group and the location of the new group is set according to the
pLoc of the group.

Everything works perfect in the IDE.

Everything also works fine in runtime, but only if you don't encrypt with a
Doing so, prevents the resizing, I don't even know if the copying works...

I really need to encrypt the files, I need one window containing the
specific groups and I need to be able to update or add separate modules,
without remaking the complete project every time...

Anybody any suggestions?

Ton Kuypers

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