On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Bill Ziegler <billzieg...@mac.com> wrote:

> Questions
> 1. Can I put my existing stack on my on-rev server account for multiple 
> people to use at one time?

I don't thinks so

> 2. Can I put my existing stack on our school server for multiple people to 
> use at one time?


> 3. Am i up-that-creek for not knowing SQL?

It sounds like learning enough SQL to do what you need to do you
should be able to pick up in a weekend. The hardest part is the lack
of escape characters in livecode. You end up in &, ", and ' hell.

> 4. If (I) and (2) are possible with or without SQL what's my best option to 
> learn how to do whatever I'll need to do.




 should get you most of the way there

er...@sisyph.us                                  http://sisyph.us
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