Hi, everyone. I have been working at making a dictionary database, using
runrev 2.0.1 and Valentina VXCMD, on Mac OS 9.2.2. Now since I am kind of a
beginner with sql, I have been trying to play it safe as far as having
cursors and that sort of stuff goes . So what I do is

1. build a simple "select all" query using the database query builder, which
opens the Valentina database.

2. I then execute a revDataFromQuery command that loads a scrolling field
with the whole data set.

3. Then I click on a line in the scrolling field to load that record's field
values into individual revolution text fields (not designated as "database"
fields in any way).

4. I have handlers that record the entry value of a given field, and the
exit value -- if these are different, I then try to update the particular
field in the particular record in the Valentina database, which is
identified by a unique code. To do this, I use a revExecuteSQL command that
contains an UPDATE sql command to update the appropriate record in the
Valentina db.

But that record never seems to get updated! Why not? Am I fundamentally
wrong in my understanding about something? I have also tried using a
revCommitDatabase instruction following the attempted update, but again,
when i go to the database query builder and "refresh" the * query, the
record i'm trying to change is unchanged. Any help would be great

rand valentine

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