No clear idea, but a debugging suggestion.

If it were me, I'd change your (failing) script to

put the selectedtext of fld "fListe" into tText
put "dele /htdocs/visit05/files/"&  tText into tCmd
*put ">>>>"&  tCmd&  "<<<<"&  CR after msg*
get liburlftpcommand(tCmd, tFtpServer, tFtpUser, tFtpPass)      

just to be sure that I have what I expect in the selected text, and don't have any stray extra CRs or other odd characters.

-- Alex.

On 26/10/2010 21:33, Matthias Rebbe wrote:

i want to delete a file on an ftp server.

With the following script

put the selectedtext of fld "fListe" into tText
put "dele /htdocs/visit05/files/"&  tText into tCmd
get liburlftpcommand(tCmd, tFtpServer, tFtpUser, tFtpPass)      

i get an error  550 /htdocs/visit05/files/Test3: No such file or directory

I tried list fields and scrolling list fields.

But with the following script

put "Test3"
put "dele /htdocs/visit05/files/"&  tText into tCmd
get liburlftpcommand(tCmd, tFtpServer, tFtpUser, tFtpPass)

it works and the file is deleted.

Is there anything i am missing?



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