
My point exactly is that it runs like "do", which means that if you need
to put quotes around multiword items. In fact it's probably useful to
quote all variables that are being passed. So the script that works is

on mouseUp
  put "Hello Ken Ray" into tMyVar
  put "Goodbye" into tAnotherVar
  answer value("getSomeData(1,the date," & q(tMyVar)& "," &
q(tAnotherVar) & ")",btn 2)
end mouseUp

function q what
  return quote & what & quote
end q

> I suggest to stop this thread discussion because there is no 
> simple implementation. I will use the call instruction and 
> request a new feature...

Don't get me wrong, Joel... I personally prefer the elegance of the
function "via" in SuperCard than with an extension to the value()
function, and I support your request for this feature. 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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