On Sunday, Jul 13, 2003, at 11:41 Australia/Sydney, Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Vaughan wrote:
- ...and of course I could just do it in Rev as my DB size, while not
very small, does not push limits (<10,000 records, <10MB).

The 10,000-record "limit" is by no means absolute, and can be greatly exceeded depending on how your data is stored.


Sorry, I expressed myself poorly. I meant that I expected my project to have fewer than 10K records etc, not that I envisaged some practical limit at that size. Your following comments on the options are very interesting.

The trick is to put tables in simple tab-delimited text in a variable
rather than in fields on cards. The latter is where bulk and performance
issues come from: the engine needs to make a text record structure for each
field on every card along with a card record structure in addition to the
data itself. Plus, accessing data in a field is almost always much slower
than grabbing an item from a line in a block of text.

The downside to this simple text-based approach is that you have to write
your own routines for anything you need.

The upside is that you can use simple chunk expressions so it's easy to do.

If the overall size of the data is something that can be managed in RAM,
RAM-based solutions are hard to beat for speed over paged disk reads.

I have the RAM so give or take some data integrity issues I will think further about that approach. It might wind up coming to a speed test, or building a version in which I isolate data selection and update so the back end is substitutable


-- Richard Gaskin Fourth World Media Corporation

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