Here is a nice one... I think I am doing something wrong, but I just canąt
figure out what or where...

I need to download an XML-file from an Oracle-server hosted on a webserver.
The file I receive is around 800 kb in size, downloading works like a

But... When I open the file in Explorer, halfway there is a special char
which prevents loading the rest of the XML-file.
When I open this downloaded file in Notepad, there indeed is a special char
(the ń in Spanish text for instance).

Saving in Notepad, you have an option łEncoding˛. When choosing UTF-8 as the
encoding and saving this file, Explorer opens the XML-file without any

So... How do I download an amount of XML-data from a database and save the
file with UTF-8 encoding?

Seems so simple, maybe I should get a real job, because I donąt seem to get
this part working :-((

Who saves my life, somebody.... pleaseeeeeeeee.....

Ton Kuypers

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