On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:52, Alex Rice wrote:
> On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 08:38  AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
> > So, it's not really a good news in regard of the speed problem about
> > opening substacks from thr Rev2 IDE.
> >
> > Can some one there, please, explain why this take just some ticks from
> > within the MC IDE (2.32 to 2.5) and seconds (some times up to 10) from
> > within the Rev 2.0.1 IDE.
> My project has 17 substacks and it opens up in < 2 seconds, in the Rev 
> IDE.
> (on a 466 MHz Mac). Seems very fast to me.
> Why don't you post what's in your startup, openStack, preOpenStack, 
> openCard and preOpenCard handlers.
> Alex Rice, Software Developer
> Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
> http://ARCplanning.com
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Hi Alex,

Thanks for the suggest :

Here is the main stack stack's script : 

> on navswitcher
>   global SelectedPick
>   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
>   else go cd SelectedPick
>   set the label of btn "Navigation" to SelectedPick
>   set the menuhistory of btn "Navigation" to lineoffset(SelectedPick,btn 
> "Navigation")
> end navswitcher
> on editmainstackscript
>   edit script of me
> end editmainstackscript
> on openstack
>   go cd 1
>   if the short name of me is not "evoecoles" then
>     set the menuhistory of btn "NavigationX1" to 1
>     set the menuhistory of btn "NavigationX2" to 1
>   else if there is a button "Navigation" then set the menuhistory of btn 
> "Navigation" to 1
> end openstack
> on quitter
>   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
>   else
>     answer "Souhaitez-vous vraiment quitter" && quote & "Evolution-Collèges" & quote 
> && "?" with "Annuler" or "Quitter"
>     if it is "Quitter" then
>       wait 1
>       quit
>     end if
>   end if
> end quitter
And here the substacks stack's script (11 substacks with the same stack's script code) 

> on openCard
>   send mouseup to btn "rafraichir"
> end openCard
And here the "rafraichir" button script :

> on mouseUp
>   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
>   else
>     lock screen
>     set the height of grp "tableau1" to 548
>     set the width of grp "tableau1" to 700
>     set the top of grp "tableau1" to 40
>     set the left of grp "tableau1" to 8
>   end if
> end mouseUp
Comment : the "tableau1" grp is hosting input fields, ordered as a kind of 
spreadsheets calc.

Thanks for your advice.
Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

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