From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So maybe we developers could turn the tables: rather than enslaving
ourselves to sometimes arbitrary specifications, we take it upon ourselves
to make one recommendation for a Universal GUI.

One could rightly argue that a Universal GUI could lead to a "lowest common denominator" GUI. We'd have to be watchful of that, but at the same time the sum of common elements is not bad, and in its simplicity there may be great value. We could still keep unique appearances, since each OS provides a heathly set of hooks for rendering controls. But there's no reason layouts, behavior, and nomenclature couldn't be made consistent, with the option supported by the strongest research setting the standard others would be asked to comply with.

I realize it would be an uphill battle and likely without victory.  Worth
pursuing, or better off left as a thought experiment? ;)

A very worthy goal, Richard, but it sounds like a full-time job for a team... Are you willing to head it up? :-/

Apple's not-so-recent turn to the "eye-candy" design left me cold. It may be neato in the gaming world, but IMHO, it gets in the way. Not very classy. (It reminds me of a 13-year-old girl trying ALL her mother's makeup at the same time.)

For starters, we could use the HIG that really worked: The original Apple HIG.

I don't mean going back to black and white controls and windows. 3-D buttons are OK as long as they don't swell to three-times their original size and pulsate, all the while screaming "CLICK ME! CLICK ME".

For a really good example of terrible user interface design check out the free software that came with an Epson color printer. It's called EPSON Smart Panel. You must be reeeaaally smart to use it. It's even worse than the infamous DeBabelizer. If it's typical PC-ware, then I feel it's time to bring the PC world into the "kinder, gentler world" of the classic Mac... ;-0

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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