Hunted around in the on-line docs and I found various kinds of import
and export and information on saving text, fields content, etc. to files,
but I didn't find anything about saving the script itself to a text file. 

I'm sure it should be doable, because one of the most necessary tools
when porting a hyperscript stack is to be able to run a multifile global
search-and-replace, and that works best if I can get the script text
into files and, say, open them in BBEdit or simply massage them with

Also, I am going to need to mass-convert these scripts from shift-JIS to
Unicode, and I really don't want to cut and paste the scripts of several
thousand objects in Mac OS-9, where I can control the interpretation of
the encodings.

Hmm. Perhaps everyone just writes metatalk/transcript scripts to do
these kinds of tasks?

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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