Recently, "Barry Levine"  wrote:

> I'm not ready to report this as a bug because I may be doing something
> wrong. Consider these few lines of code contained within an image image
> object referencing a gif:
> on mouseUp
> global theEffect -- holds the name of the effect we want
> hide me with visual theEffect
> wait 1 second
> show me
> end mouseUp
> I have a number of buttons whose labels are "wipe left", "wipe up",
> "wipe down", and the other effects that Rev contains. Here's an example:
> on mouseUp
>  global theEffect
>  put the label of me into theEffect
> end mouseUp
> This should place the name of the effect into the var theEffect.
> So what happens when all this runs? The first button I click on sets
> the effect but the effect does -not- change to anything else when I
> click on a different button. In other words: If I click on the "wipe
> left" button and then click the image object, I do get the proper
> effect. However, when I click on any other button, the effect does not
> change unless I close (& remove from memory) and then re-open the
> stack. Even then, the reults seem to be inconsistent.

Not sure if it's a bug (could be that Rev doesn't understand a two word
effect name stored in a variable) but there is a workaround:

   do "hide me with visual" && theEffect


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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