Before I bugzilla this, I want to know if others think it really is a bug, or if it should be considered normal behavior. I can't decide.

I have a group that consists of several fields. The group has backgroundBehavior set to true. Each card has different text in the fields of the group. The current card of the stack is, say, three.

In another stack, I issue the command:

copy group "myGroup" of stack "Main" to this cd

I expect to see the contents of card three when the group is copied. Instead I see the contents of card one. The work-around is to go to the Main stack, copy the group, go back to the second stack, and paste. Then I do get the contents of card three.

The results of the copy command kind of make sense, since I didn't specify what card I wanted, and so I got the first card by default. However, the command:

copy group "myGroup" of cd 3 of stack "Main" to this cd

doesn't work either, I still get the contents of card one.

Is it a bug or is it normal?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |

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