Title: Stacks Don't Launch, Hover/Option/Command doesn't work

Thanks for the help. I'm progressing.

1. If I double click on my stack, it comes up as five zillion pages of text. I can only open it from WITHIN Rev. Then it runs fine. It has a darker icon than the stacks I made that still launch properly.

2. Rev needs a forced quit each time I try to make a distribution. It flashes. I mentioned this before but I forgot to mention that finally it says it CAN'T FIND THE STACK. Then I must force quit. I made the tutorial distribution fine.

3. Hovering the arrow over a button and pressing OPTION COMMAND gives no script. (I have to doubleclick the object and then get to the script that way. Big hassle.) OPTION COMMAND C doesn't give card script either; nothing happens. The other stacks I have made which launch correctly and which have a lighter-looking icon don't have this problem.

If I can beat some of these first obstacles, I think I will be off and running and productive.

Mil gracias,

Tom Cole

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