On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 08:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
on checkstatus
     put shell(unixcallgoeshere) into field "status result"
     send "checkstatus" to this stack in 3 seconds
end checkstatus

The unix call I'm using spits back it's result instantaneously, so there shouldn't be a backlog via the unix side of things.  Is it bad to have a handler call itself via a timer - - - does that create some sort of "nesting" problem?

I don't think so - I'm pretty sure I've seen animations scripted this way- a button sends moveSelf to itself in a few ticks.

re: the lag time- it's to be expected I think because shell(), no matter what the command being issued is, forks a subprocess, which is a relatively heavyweight thing to do every 3 seconds. Maybe you can do something like

on checkstatus
 if not inWindowDrag and not inWindowResize then
   ... do shell stuff
 end if
 send "checkstatus" to this stack in 3 seconds
end checkstatus

Also, maybe there is an equivalent applescript to inspect the user's system settings?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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