> From: "yoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?
> Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 19:43:36 -0400

> Should I do the EULA in an Installer capsule like Vise or similar?
You know, I would like to reimplement my *HC Payload Stack for Light
Aircraft in Rev, but I certainly don't want any liability for its use, so
I'm interested in this thread. I'd also enjoy feedback/questions from any
pilots out there in Rev territory.

Anyway, I like your suggestion. The EULA should be like a password
encryption in an installer file, not the operational stack. IOW, you can't
load the app at all unless the terms of use are agreed to.

This way, if the app has a problem, you can reinstall by making another
agreement. The new app would simply replace the old one.

Thus, there would be no need to have a disappearing page, the user would
just trash the installer (if they want to).

I don't know about server installations, though.

Ken N.

*See a new post about the Payload Chart under "Payload Charts for Light
Aircraft" -- K.N.

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