Umm....would you believe I'm sorry...a little bit.......

Alan Coren once said that 'tact is the mortar of society':
but, just occasionally, a sledge hammer can do things too.

I suppose I should feel flattered to have my name included
in an e-mail thread 'Richmond and Copyright' that I did not
even originate.

I should like to point out the following points:

1.  I am not anti-American (in fact I lived in Illinois for
3 years while I studied for an MA); but I am not in favour
of an Americo-Centric world....the reasoning behind this
reminds me of certain people who accuse anti-Israelis of
being anti-Semitic...doesn't work.

2.  I think Runtime Revolution are F***KING FANTASTIC for
having taken on the HYPERCARD mantle and developed it to
the next, next, next level:  that is why I get F***KING
EMOTIONAL about aspects of RR's development.  I do
APPRECIATE RR's efforts....

3.  I do stand on my right to use words such as F***ING all
over use-lists when I get emotionally worked-up.....that is
one of the MOST WONDERFUL things about this use-list...the
possibility to let off steam in a relatively civilised
forum; and receive civilised and well-thought-out

Love you all buckets, Richmond Mathewson

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