Is it impossible to check the properties of an unopened standalone from another 

I was thinking that maybe I could get around some of the issues with standalones 
writing to themselves by using a seperate standalone to do the updating. User selects 
update, if there is anything new then the main application launches the updater 
standalone, and quits, the updater waits a few seconds (to allow time for the main app 
to finish quitting) then downloads the updates and overwrites the old files.

The only problem I have run into is that the main app can't check to see if the 
UPDATER app needs to be updated, because I can't seem to check the properties of an 
unopened standalone, and if I open the standalone, well, it's in its own memory space.

I can think of a bunch of ways to get around this, but I am curious about the original 

>----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
>From: Richard Gaskin

>One thing to keep in mind about apps is that they
>can't write to themselves.
>But if you keep most of your likely-to-be-updated
>parts as separate stack
>files outside of the exe it's a snap to overwrite
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