On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 07:08 PM, yoy wrote:

This is not how I expected the launch command to behave either. It may be a
cut-throat measure to prevent OS's that create multiple instances of an app
from draining memory.

But what OS behaves like that? Windows 2000 and Mac OS X don't **. I don't think earlier versions of Mac OS did?

Linux probably does create multiple instances of an app. AFAIK X Windows doesn't limit that kind of thing.

** Although it depends if it's a GUI app or just some command line process.

But there should be (imho) an improvement to launch to
let it send a document to an already open app.

That's why I was seeking out alternatives.

On OS X there are two alternatives:

1) Use shell() and call the "open" command. You can do "man open" at the terminal to see details.

2) Use applescript
tell application Finder
open "the:path:file"
end tell

Both of these methods should know Mac OS X Launch Services and will correctly handle the case where the app is already running but you want to open more documents. For Windows- I have no idea maybe this has been covered in the list in the past?

BTW I just filed a mozilla bug #449 on the launch command. Apparently it doesn't grok application bundles on OS X so you have to workaround it with paths like

launch "test2.txt" with "/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit"

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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