I downloaded the Darwin engine and I can do this:

./mc helloworld.txt

In this form, the text file does not seem to need #!.

This engine seems bloated; it is well over 2MB. X11?

I seem to have forgotten most of what I know of unix from a quarter century ago.

I don't need cgi (yet). I just want to do some command-line work. Does this file (mc) go into /etc/bin or some other directory? What permissions and ownership should it have.

I'm currently editing with TextEdit. I am not able to type the text file name to the terminal just as I would a program. I get a permissions error. Do I need to make it executable? TextEdit does not make files executable. The "get info" does not have an execute option on permissions. Do I need to go in and chmod each file? Maybe I need to make an editor with Revolution.

I suspect I'm missing the obvious.

Even though I'm an old school lisp guy, I don't emacs and I had a hypnotist purge all knowledge of vi years ago. I think I did; I don't remember vi, anyway.

Dar Scott

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