New Mainstack don't work in all cases (Rev 2.1 - Suse Linux 8.2)

1.1. - Start Revolution
1.2. - Select New Mainstack from menu File --> nothing happen and no new
stack window open...

2.1. - Start Revolution
2.2. - Select Open Stack from menu File --> the right selected stack is
2.3. - Close or don't close this last opened stack (egal)
2.4. - Select New Mainstack from menu File --> the new stack window
opens, as requiered...
2.5. - From here, each new mainstack requiest will work as expected
until Rev will be closed.
2.6. - The next time Rev will be launched, the use of procs 2.1 to 2.4
are needed to be able to have menuitem New Mainstack running OK

Reproductibility : 100%

Hope this help,

Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire "delta de rentabilité"

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