On 9/1/03 5:38 AM, James Richards wrote:

I am reluctant to trouble the folks at RR about this and distract them from
the task of fixing, so I wondered if anyone on the list could say how we
know when a bug has been fixed. Do we just keep checking bugzilla?

Yes, pretty much.

This is a
very bad bug for me. I have RR 2.1 and can't run it at all. I have a 30 day
trial licence ticking away (or at least as far as I know it is ticking away)
and now an unusable Studio licence as well.

This is something you really should "bother" the RR people about. Heather is very helpful and willing to work with you. You have a right to a working license, and her job is to make sure you get one. So, bother her. Don't be shy.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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