Sorry Ron, the idea is ok, but I need to import this data into an InDesign
layout automatically, nu user will touch this file after correcting it in my
So it needs to be RTF or native Word... RTF it will be, as long as the
correct export can be done...


> Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 16:00:47 +0900
> Subject: Re: Unicode RTF export
> Hi Ton
>> A client supplies RTF-files saved from MS-Word (Mac & PC) with all kind of
>> special characters in it.
>> I'm able to import this RTF in my app, getting all specs and all special
>> chars are maintained in this text.
>> When editing this text and exporting it as an RTF-file, all special chars
>> are gone when reopening the file in Word.
>> After looking into the specs of the RTF-format, as mentioned in the RR
>> documentation, I found that there are special control-chars in the RTF
>> format to use Unicode-files, and thus maintaining all special chars.
>> Is there a way to export Unicode text as RTF, or is there another way to
>> keep all special chars when exporting text-files?
> Have you tried htmltext? I use this with unicode text to save formatting and
> special chars. (it is much easier to export formatted unicode text to a
> variable than to import it and add formatting through tagging, but it can be
> done once you get the sequence right) After you import your client's file
> into your app and do your editing you can simply put the htmltext of the fld
> into a variable and then paste it into WORD or whatever.
> Ron
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