Le mer 10/09/2003 à 17:21, Björnke von Gierke a écrit :

> I am able to do all kind of nifty things in my cgi tests, but I am 
> unable to save a stack, no matter how I try it. Is there a bug, or must 
> I just save differently then in the normal environment? Maybe it's 
> because I use the metacard engine?
> cgi script below:
> #!mc
> on startup
>    open stack "guestbook"
>    read from stdin until empty
>    if it <> empty then
>      put urldecode(it) into data
>      split data by "&" and "="
>      go to last card
>      create card
>      put the short internet date into field "date"
>      put data["name"] into field "name"
>      put data["text"] into field "entry"
>      replace return with "<br>" in field "entry"
>    end if
>    put  "Content-Type: text/html" & crlf & crlf
>    put "<html><head><title>You are on my iBook! @ 
> bvg.kicks-ass.org</title></head><body bgcolor=" & quote & "148D00" & 
> quote & ">"
>    repeat with x = the number of cards down to 1
>      go to card x
>      put "<p>date:<br>"  & field "date"
>      put "<br>name:<br>"  & field "name"
>      put "<br>text:<br>" & field "entry" & "</p><hr>"
>    end repeat
>    put "</body>"
>    save stack "guestbook" --does not work!!
>    close stack "guestbook"
> end startup

Hi Björnke,

I think that it's no way to save a stack without opening it, directly,
in graphical mode.

Bests, Pierre
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