
1) Scenario:

mp3 file is in the same folder as the stack
   the name of the file is "september.mp3 copy"

In the Inspector I type "september.mp3 copy" into the source box.

It will not play. Why?

I see if I put the whole filepath into it it will play. But the default
folder is the same, and the docs say that if the file is in the default
folder, you need not spec the filepath. What's wrong?

2) Scenario:

Same player as above. Player is offscreen, using my own buttons.

"PLAY" button:

on mouseUp
  play player 1
end mouseUp

"STOP" button:

on mouseUp
  stop player 1
end mouseUp

When I click the STOP button it stops fine. When I click the PLAY button it
always resumes. I want it to restart at the beginning. How do I do that?

Mucho TIA,
Ken N.

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