On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 11:25 AM, Robert Presender wrote:


I created a window's icon, for my standalone, a long time ago with Rev 1.1.1 without a problem. I am now trying to upgrade my application using Mac 10.2.6 and Windows ME but have not been able to include my icon for windows. I have used Iconographer and QTam (followed Chipp Walters' tutorial).
I get a 766 byte .ico file but the Rev 2.1 builder alerts me to the fact that I need a 744 byte file. The alert is the same if I use v1.1.1 or 2.0.3.

Hope someone can help me out. Thanks. I also did a list search without finding any help.

Using Photoshop + QTam, I got a 766 byte .ico file that works with the Rev 2.1 builder. Donnow why it's insisting on 744 bytes for you.

Sorry- no ideas. If you want me to mail you this icon for testing let me know.

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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