Hi Ben,

The best way is to pipe all the needed perl or any other kind of
scripting languages you would have to use. See, as an example, how i'm
accessing the psql command line client (PostgreSQL) and just tune the
script below by replacing my code by yours :

>    put "psql -h localhost projecoles -U postgres" into PgPath
>    put shell("echo" && quote & "select * from etablist order by
etab0011" && quote && "|" && PgPath) into AccPpx

Bests, Pierre

Le mer 01/10/2003 à 17:16, Ben Collyer a écrit :
> I want to make a multiplatform GUI for dozens of perl and shell scripts 
> that process and analyse logs.
> I had hoped to try to use Revolution, because I know some transcript, 
> but wondered how you simply execute a perl script using Rev, (without 
> passing any arguments etc. -- although this might eventually be useful).
> I am running the scripts on MacOSX, from the bash shell.
> a typical command line to execute a script might be
> bash-2.05a$ perl desktop/logs/scripts/extract.pl
> its a script that churns away for potentially hours, stripping and 
> reformatting logfile lines, counting, etc
> what transcript script do I need to launch the same script from a 
> button in Rev?
> And would the same transcript work on other platforms?
> A friend said I should learn Tcl/Tk instead...... but is he right?
>   opinions gratefully received
> Ben
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