On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 09:52 AM, Stephen Messimer wrote:

I think I understand what you mean by low ASCII.

This is redundant, of course!

The ASCII codes are 7-bit codes. That means in a byte there is an additional 128 values, that are used as character codes in some environments. Richard is suggesting that a conservative approach is to ignore the upper codes.

(The term US-ASCII is redundant, too. It is also a bit abrasive, but since it is written into several standards, it has to be used at times.)

ASCII defines these non-control characters:
space and these...
!"#$%&'()*,-./01234567890:;<=>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

These have key tops on my keyboard.

Not having memorized either the Mac or PC character sets this becomes an issue when I am using a particular character. It would be nice to have a simple list that points out areas where the two character sets diverge.

If you need special characters, you might want to consider unicode. It is the in thing. What do people say? "It is all the rave!" or "all the rage!" Something like that. I expect unicode in Revolution to mature.

Dar Scott

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