Aloha from Hawaii, "wonderful Dave!"

OK, that works great... can we depend on the order of the environment variables?


This works:

put urlDecode (value(item 3 of the globals)) into tRemit

and delivers the $QUERY_STRING value..

but if the order changed the cgi would break (depends on $QUERY_STRING being always item three of the globals)

This also works and would not be affected by a change of order

 repeat for each item i in the globals
    put i & "=" & value(i) & cr after tGlobes
  end repeat

split tGlobes by cr and "="
put  urlDecode (tGlobes["$QUERY_STRING"])  into tDataIn

What is recommended?

Thanks, what a great list, solutions in under 18 hours ;-)


On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 11:03 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

In this case you should be using GET not POST.

On the server side, your script shouldn't be reading from the socket; that will only get posted data, and in this case there is none. Instead, it should be getting the $QUERY_STRING environment variable which should contain this:



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