Hi, all. I'm wondering if there is anywhere where I can easily get more
icons to add to a kind of "general" store of them for standard Revolution
development. For example, there are only a couple of "next" and "previous"
navigational icons in the standard set, and they ain't that pretty, nor are
the metacard icons that are included with RunRev. We could all use a couple
of dozen more, I'm sure! So here are my questions:

1. where can I find additional (pretty) icons? What are the factors that one
must consider with icons in general in RunRev? Where can I find a good
discussion of this?

2. how "consistent" are icons across platforms, esp. Mac and Windows? Eg,
can I insert an icon in a stack I'm developing on a Mac and will it then
show up all pretty under Windows (assuming it begins that way on the Mac)?



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