I am NTREV (new to revolution). I am familiar with SuperCard and HyperCard.

I am building a project and it seems with out the documentation I keep getting lost. I am not having that much success with the help files included in the program.

I now need to put some large sound files in on certain cards in an opencard.

I want to play a recording when a card opens and then wait for the user to click on something. No timing issues and pretty straight forward.

Well the sound sounds like a clicking and poping sound. it should be a 60 second voice recording.
I tried the new reference control(quicktime) and it does not work
I tried a play file and it does not work.

I tried the new reference control with a controller set in the object inspector and IT WORKS

But I don't want a controller and I seem to just keep hitting dead ends with the code.

I need to see this in action. Any sample apps that do this?


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